As New Year's Eve is still around the corner and many of you are still in the holiday hazy fun food and drink phase, I've decided to share my definitive #1 trick for avoiding that notsogood 'day after fun' feeling. It also happens to be an excellent tool for digestion in general and for whitening teeth!
And unlike my last, epic blog 5 Cold & Flu Care Faves, I'm keeing this pithy as possible because I don't want to take a single extra precious minute away of your family and friend time. I've made the key copy bold and brown! #1 Holiday No Hangover* Fave (*from fun food and drink): Activated Coconut Charcoal. Fave Brand: Bulletproof Upgraded Coconut Charcoal Suggested Use:
Key Tips to Remember:
For my definitive list: Fave Ways to Avoid Holiday Hangovers and a link to stock up with all the items on the list at the bottom of this post. More scoop on coconut charcoal below courtesy of Bulletproof.com: Time tested for over 10,000 years, activated charcoal is the world’s oldest detoxing remedy. For centuries, charcoal has been used in Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Western Medicine as an absorbent agent to many poisons and intestinal issues. Fast Detoxing for Better Digestion & Rejuvenation!
Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent material with millions of tiny pores that can capture, bind, and remove up to 100 times the charcoal’s own weight in toxins. Just four capsules of Upgraded Coconut Charcoal has about the same surface area as a football field, which makes it ideal for removing potentially toxic substances from your digestive tract. The porous surface has a negative electric charge that attracts positively charged unwanted toxins and gas so they can easily leave the body. Toxins from low quality, processed food, and environmental pollution are a real problem. It is important to help your body eliminate them to promote a healthy digestive system and brain. Chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, allergic reactions, compromised immunity, and more rapid aging. Regular use of activated charcoal is easy on the colon and can remove unwanted toxins from your body, leaving you feeling renewed and more vibrant, often in minutes! Try it even once and you’ll feel a difference! Why Upgraded Coconut Charcoal is the Best Available Charcoal Common charcoal tablets come in ineffectively small doses or inconvenient, messy powders, and are typically made from substandard (often unidentified) materials that are cheaper than our pure coconut shells. The ultra fine and highly purified Upgraded Coconut Charcoal uses acid washing, a more expensive extra step that removes toxic heavy metals that are a problem in many preparations of charcoal. The finer the charcoal grains, the better it works. Upgraded Coconut Charcoal is so fine that it required a new method to packing its ultra fine grains into capsules without damaging the manufacturing machines. This added step results in charcoal with the most surface area to create maximum adsorption. Charcoal is proven to bind to mold toxins and many other organic poisons that may be present in the environment and in the body. Use & Ingredients Because activated coconut charcoal is mainly used to remove toxins from the body, it is great to use when consuming food of unknown quality, eating out at restaurants, or drinking alcohol. If you are feeling moody or suddenly tired, activated charcoal can act as a detox and get you back in the game faster. Toxicology studies show activated charcoal to be harmless, not interfering with sleep, appetite, or well-being. Everyone responds differently to different doses, so to avoid potential undesirable effects such as constipation, please consult your doctor and use only as suggested: Ingredients
As always, please share your feedback with me in the comments section below! And if you found this blog helpful, please share with your friends! xoMB
Find more of Magen's hangover prevention tips in her Holiday Hangover Faves.
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![]() CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! ONE OF MY FAVE HEALTHY HABITS - AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE After 20 years in the business of helping people feel and look their best, I’ve distilled my healthy living recommendations down to eight essential things, that if done most of the time (meaning 80%), lead to a healthy, happy, energized, peaceful mind and body and can allow you to avoid the effects of life’s stresses and avoid most if not all disease and stave off common issues associated with aging. Next week I’ll be speaking about five of my eight fave healthy habits at my friend’s Joe Cross’ Reboot Camp. The prep for my talk entitled “ Setting Yourself Up For Success - Simple tips for establishing routine of healthy habits” prompted me to do a series of blogs on all eight of these healthy habits starting with what I consider to be the most essential of the eight, GRATITUDE. What if I told you that by being more grateful you could feel happier, be more alert and energetic, have more determination, optimism, less depression and stress, be more likely to exercise regularly and make greater progress toward achieving personal goals and improving your romantic and other relationships? Cool, huh? "Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others." -Cicero WHAT IS GRATITUDE Gratitude is a feeling, an emotion and an attitude. It means thankfulness, counting your blessings, finding simple pleasure in the seemingly mundane daily occurrences and an acknowledgement of a benefit you’ve received or will receive. It means treating even small wins as miracles, and being aware on a continuous basis of how fortunate you are. We are what we think and what we think we're not.... Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. It makes you feel better instantly among many other benefits and research shows it heightens the quality of your life. THE BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE GRATITUDE INCREASES QUALITY OF LIFE Two psychologists, Michael McCollough of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis, wrote an article about an experiment they conducted on gratitude and its impact on well-being. The study split several hundred people into three different groups and all of the participants were asked to keep daily diaries. The first group kept a diary of the events that occurred during the day without being told specifically to write about either good or bad things. The second group was told to record their unpleasant experiences; and the last group was instructed to make a daily list of things for which they were grateful. The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of :
More on gratitude and associate with well-being from Wikipedia: A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of subjective well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships[16][19][20] Specifically, in terms of depression, gratitude may serve as a buffer by enhancing the coding and retrieve of positive experiences. [21] Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance.[22] Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with the difficulties they experience in life, being more likely to seek support from other people, reinterpret and grow from the experience, and spend more time planning how to deal with the problem.[23] Grateful people sleep better, and this seems to be because they think less negative and more positive thoughts just before going to sleep.[24] Gratitude has been said[by whom?] to have one of the strongest links with mental health of any character trait. [25][4] GRATITUDE CAN BOOST A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP While being grateful is good for you, being on the receiving end of it can juice your romantic relationships! A recent study found that after receiving gratitude, participants noticed that their partner was more responsive to their needs;) and overall more satisfied with their relationship. I learned from a very smart relationship's therapist that successful relationships tend to have a 20/1 ratio of positive to negative things said to one another and a 5/1 ratio of positive interactions to negative ones that predicts whether a marriage will last or become one of the sad statistics of divorce. GRATITUDE AS A MOTIVATOR OF BEHAVIOR Gratitude may also serve to reinforce future pro-social behavior in benefactors. For example, one experiment found that customers of a jewelry store who were called and thanked showed a subsequent 70% increase in purchases. In comparison, customers who were thanked and told about a sale showed only a 30% increase in purchases, and customers who were not called at all did not show an increase.[10] In another study, regular patrons of a restaurant gave bigger tips when servers wrote "Thank you" on their checks.[11] TIPS ON HOW YOU CAN CULTIVATE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE The brain can only hold one thought at a time. When we’re busy noticing what’s right we can’t be worrying or thinking about what’s wrong; we’re in the present as opposed to the past and future. I think the the best way of cultivating an attitude of gratitude and the one I practice myself is to start as soon as I wake up in the morning, just as I'm cracking my eyes open, I start to list those things for which I am grateful. And try not to stop until I get to my kitchen where I turn on my water on to boil. Some days it’s hard, especially when I’m tired or I didn’t complete the things I wanted to complete the night before. The monkey mind jumps around and says, things like, you shoulda gone to sleep earlier , then you woulda been able to do your TM first thing in the morning and you....coulda. And on and on. By the way, let’s take those words, shuda, wuda, coulda right out of our dictionary today, ok? They’re all about the past. “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” -Brian Tracy MY RECOS: 1. Practice at least 1x a day, pref at the same time every day. Think it. Like most new, healthy habits, it’s best to practice at the same time every day. Research suggests it takes anywhere from 30-60 consecutive days of repeating the desired behavior for it to become a habit. So it's best to start first thing in the morning before your mind gets over active. Say something to yourself like “Thanks Universe for this cozy bed I don’t want to get out of, the roof over my head, for my body that's getting healthier day by day. Thank you for my clients...Whatever you can think of works. List at least three things and if you can, keep going. You will see that your active monkey mind will get quiet. 2. Repeat. Write it down. The more you repeat something the more likely it is to become a habit. This is true of unhealthy habits as well. The easier a habit is to do, the harder it is to break. Keep a gratitude journal, a spiral notebook or something more special and in it every morning once out of bed or asap, write down at least three things for which you’re grateful. Writing something is just another way of reinforcing the ideas and the energy you get from them. And you can keep a running list and look back on it. My Dad gave me my first Gratitude Journal when I was 18. I still have it. I love looking back on my lists from a few years ago, they always make me smile. There are even apps, like The Happy Tapper that can help remind you to list your three (or more) things for which you're grateful. ![]() Other tips: Start a Gratitude Jar-If you’d rather not keep a journal try keeping a Gratitude Jar. Can you guess who taught me about this?....Yep, my Dad. We started one together last New Years. It’s never too early to start practicing gratitude. And my clients have started them with their kids and they really get into it. It’s never too early to start practicing gratitude. Psychologist and researcher Jeffrey Froh created and implemented a gratitude curriculum for kids aged 8 to 11. The youngsters who received the lessons showed an increase in grateful thinking, appreciation and positive emotions as compared to their classmates who did not partake. 3. Practice. Speak it. Throughout the day whenever I catch myself thinking or worse, saying something negative, I find something positive to say. I look for what’s right, what’s working, what I like. I make a point of telling as many people I encounter what’s great about them. Speaking is the third way to reinforce and share the good energy and love you feel or want to feel. It’s a law of attraction thing. Like attracts like. From telling the cab driver how nice his maneuvering skills are, to complimenting the waitress’ attentiveness, small acts of gratitude and kindness pay off for everyone involved and for the people that the person to whom you’ve just expressed gratitude encounters next. Yes, it’s contagious, so YOU have the power to affect many people's day and life in general. What happens when we encounter a difficult person...someone else’s monkey mind? Limit as much as possible the time you spend with people who are always complaining. Just as gratitude is contagious, so can be negativity. If you can't just leave the conversation and you're experiencing them ranting, dumping or worse, talking poorly about someone else, be polite and compassionate and tell them, ”I’m really working on staying upbeat and having a better attitude. Could we change the topic of conversation?” Or offer to help them find a solution to their conflict and ask them questions that will create a more productive conversation about whatever is upsetting them. Or if you know there’s no real solution, for example it’s an ailing parent they’re complaining about, let them vent some then give them a big hug. It releases feel good chemicals in the body and brain and they probably need it. Aw. Whatever you do, be kind. TRY OUR OWN 100 DAYS OF HAPPY CHALLENGE: Tag us in your gratitude photos and quotes on Instagram. @mindbodyreboot or Twitter @magenbanwart and we’ll repost em for you and share the love. A great way to start practicing and to develop a new, healthy habit of happy.
And finally, one of my fave books is an interpretation of the Tao Te Ching by Wayne Dyer called Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life. And it's really good at helping you to shift your perspective about life's events and ourselves. I've used it in my Yin Yoga classes for years. You're meant to read one short section each day so it's easy. Not a reader? Try watching this video or get the audiobook and play it or another inspirational book in the background as you do your busy work or simple tasks. It will help you keep your mind in a happier place. Practice every day in little ways starting first thing in the mornin' tellin' yourself what you appreciate about yourself, your life and those you love. Then repeat, write it down. Challenge that monkey mind and the negative Nelly's in your world and stay vigilant for looking for what's right. Share with anyone who will listen. Give compliments, do good deeds without expectation. Life is so very, very good and "all you have to remember is how fortunate you are." -Sri Sri Organic Avenue (my favorite juice vendor) calls me the "Juice Fairy" and in a lot of ways I am, but I'm more of a juice zealot. For over 25 years I've been juicing veggies and preachin' the benefits of drinking greens to anyone who will listen and I'm still tweakin' recipes and discoverin' new stuff every day about the best ways to get my greens. Two green juices or smoothies are an essential part of my daily routine and my Optimal Mind Body food plan. They give me energy, loads of essential nutrients I might not otherwise get from my salads, help curb my cravings for processed food, enhance my digestion and I actually think they make me a better person or at least a nicer person to be around. My saying is "two juices a day keep the doctor, the need to diet and the depression away."
Thanks to friends and juice pioneers like Doug Evans, Jill Pettijohn and Joe Cross, this country's in the midst of a juice revolution. Now we can find (or have delivered to our door) fresh green organic juices in more places than imaginable-even at Starbucks. Unfortunately most (more than half) of the juices or smoothies you'll find in stores or that we make are surprisingly high in sugar. While the sugar found in fruit is not bad, too much sugar, even fructose, the sugar found in fruit, raises your insulin levels and leave us wanting and needing more sugar to feel better and more energized. Ultimately too much sugar also leads to insulin resistance which can lead to a whole host of health problems, including diabetes. To keep calories, body fat, sugar cravings and inflammation at bay, as a standard recommendation, just as some of my fave functional medicine doctors like Dr. Mercola, I strongly advise keeping your TOTAL fructose consumption below 25 grams per day. A small apple has 15 grams of sugar, a big apple, 23 grams and there are a whopping 47.8 grams in one cup of blueberries. See below for more info on highest and lowest glycemic fruits. This is why when it comes to drinking green juices, I suggest 80% green veggies: kale, chard, cucumber, celery, cilantro, parsley, etc. and only 20% low glycemic fruit: 1/2 avocado, as much ginger & lemon as you like and only 1/2 an apple or pear. And if you buy a juice, 12 grams of sugar or less per bottle, not per serving. To help you decide whether to make or buy your green juices and smoothies, I've answered some of the FAQ's about the benefits of drinking your greens, the differences between pressed and other juices, the pros and cons of juicing versus blending, blender recos, etc. in a previous blog post. HERE ARE MY FAVE WAYS TO GET THE HEALTHIEST LIQUID GREENS IN YOUR LIFE: 1. BUY THEM: ORGANIC AVENUE Mellow Love : 6 grams of sugar THE SQUEEZE: Stand and Deliver: 4 grams of sugar. JUICE PRESS: Simple Green: 8 grams of sugar. STARBUCKS: Essential Green: 12 grams of sugar. Unfortunately, I could not find a low in sugar green juice at Whole Foods. I tried Suja, it was great but it had 20 grams of sugar. For juices higher than 8 grams of sugar (per juice), my suggestion is to drink 1/2 in AM & 1/2 in afternoon, to avoid a sugar rush or pour half in a water bottle and fill both with water OR get a Multigreen Kombucha which is delicious, low in sugar AND good for your digestion/gut health. Swap one green juice out for one Kombucha and do 1 of each per day if you get bored with just green juices. The Whole Foods and Starbucks juices are bottled with a special process that allows for a longer shelf life-up to two weeks! So if spoilage is your concern, choose these: Reach for the juice furthest back on the shelf. Those are usually the freshest. Look at the expiration date. Organic Avenue says that you can wait 1-2 days after the expiration max although to maintain the best quality, consume by the expiration before or on the expiration date. For a great NYC Juice Roadmap check out this awesome blog by Well and Good. 2. MAKE YOUR OWN JUICES OR SMOOTHIES It really doesn't take more than five minutes to make a delicious juice or smoothie, if you have everything you need. I'm partial to my MB Green Smoothie because all you need is a blender, it's yummy, it has avocado and fills me up. TIPS: Keep organic frozen veggies stocked in your freezer for your juices. All Whole Foods have organic frozen kale, spinach and lots of other frozen yums, you can keep on hand to reduce the amount of waste that comes from unused fresh veggies. 3. STIR THEM INTO YOUR WATER: I use Innate Green Powder from Mountain Health Products for when I'm traveling to a 3rd world country or other places, where it's hard to find organic green veggies. I also use it to supplement my juices back home. IF YOU WANT TO DO YOUR OWN JUICE CLEANSE CLICK HERE FOR MY FAVE MB CLEANSE SCHEDULE. You can use an combination of store bought or homemade green juices or smoothies. But I recommend you add a vegan protein shake and a salad or soup as well. Need more guidance, want someone to customize and guide you through your own juice cleanse or just don't want to go it alone? Schedule an appointment for a consultation. XOXO MB ![]() It’s that time of year where we’re all wanting more energy, to feel lighter and more peaceful. If you can’t retreat to your favorite resort to get that revitalized feeling, create your own spa at home with my favorite ways to cleanse mind and body. These five favorites are also flu fighters and cold busters. WATER AND LEMON first thing in the morning hydrate get your blood more alkaline and get your digestive juices flowing start your day with my new Good Mornin’ Mixture:
Don’t want to make your own… Organic Avenue now has a little shot called D that is similar but has garlic. Powerful stuff - Whew! TIP: Make a big batch and sip throughout the day. If you can’t stand taste of Oregano, leave that part out. Keep a bottle of the Stevia in your bag or at office and put a drop or two in each of your waters throughout the day. GOURMET TEA INSTEAD OF COFFEE Instead of that cup of Joe which can tap those adrenals - lead to more fatigue, dehydrate and interfere with sleep , try making a yummy tea. The health properties of tea have long been known but what some people don’t know is just how different the quality and therefore your experience can be between ok and excellent tea. While it’s chilly outside, get some good ones to have around home and office and make sippin’ on teas a part of your routine. May help keep you from snacking as well. Three of my new faves:
GREEN SMOOTHIE: While everyone knows how much I love my juice. I definitely recco a green smoothie over juice for breakfast as it will fill you up longer and keep those afternoon sugar cravings at bay. Here’s my smoothie recipe and instructions on how to makelink to RYB juice article. For an awesome green juice recipe from Joe Cross Director of "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" (one of my fave documentaries). Watch the Premier Episode of The Joe Show juice segment starts/ends 9:22-11:44. ![]() EAT ![]() ![]() ![]() SAUNA SAUNA talk about the benefits of the dry sauna, particularly the infrared
MAGEN'S LOVES BLOGStay in the know and ahead of the health and fitness research/trend curve with Magen's latest fave tools, tips, places, practitioners and solutions for conscious, healthy living.